Pairing Endpoint

Pairing Flow

On a conceptual level, the pairing flow is explained in detail in the Pairing section of the Integration Guide.

API Request

To initiate pairing from the POS system, execute the following HTTP request:

PUT {environment}/Pairing/{pairingCode}

The {environment} variable is explained in the Sending API Requests to SmartConnect section. The {pairingCode} variable is the pairing code inputted by the user doing the pairing operation.

The content type for the request body needs to be application/x-www-form-urlencoded. The following parameters need to be supplied in the request body:

Parameter Name Example Value Comment Mandatory
POSRegisterID 7444ae07-dc63-e49c-33e3-59a7c108cc80 Unique Register Id Yes
POSRegisterName Main Register Register Name Yes
POSBusinessName Toys Shop Store Name Yes
POSVendorName Till2Go POS Software Vendor Yes
Contact Name John Doe No
Address 123 Example Street No
City Auckland No
State Auckland No
ZipCode 1010 No
Email No
Phone 09 1234567 No

The first four parameters are mandatory and (apart from the Register Name) must be identical to the equivalent parameters supplied to a Transaction request. The Register Name will usually be displayed on the payment acceptance device, to easily identify which Register is paired to which device.


If a Store changes its name, it will have to do the pairing operation again.

The demographic/address component of the request is metadata about the contact person and address of the store (physical location where this Register is located), and is optional.

API Response

The API response will return the following HTTP status codes:

Status Code Description
200 Success
400 Error while pairing

A successfull pairing process will return the HTTP 200 status code, and the following response body, with the content type application/json:

"result": "success"

In case there is an error (HTTP 400 status code), the response body will contain the following content, with the content type application/json:

"error": "Invalid Pairing Code. Please make sure you entered the code correctly"

The error description will vary for different exception cases.

Last Updated: 5/10/2019, 5:42:59 PM